Booking Conditions

It is important that you are happy with your Tell Tale Travel holiday, so please read through these booking conditions carefully.

Tell Tale Ltd is a company registered in England, no: 05385989. Tell Tale Ltd trades as Tell Tale Travel and in these booking conditions is referred to as 'We', 'Our' or 'Us. In these booking conditions, 'You' and 'Your' refer to all persons on a booking, including anyone added or substituted at a later stage. This contract and all matters connected to booking with Tell Tale Travel are subject to English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

Your Security
Your booking is made with Tell Tale Ltd t/a Tell Tale Travel which is licensed by ATOL (licence T7248) and the Travel Trust Association (licence U3928). The ATOL scheme covers flight-inclusive holidays originating in the UK, and the Travel Trust Association is a trade association of travel companies which gives you 100% financial protection under UK and EU law, including for our customers booking from the USA, Australia and other countries.

Your Booking
To make a booking, you have to make a request and pay a deposit. Payment methods available may vary according to the country you live in. We reserve the right to decline any booking. We will send you written confirmation via email unless requested otherwise.

No Surcharges
We will confirm the price of your holiday at the time of booking. This price is fully guaranteed and will not be subject to any surcharges regardless of exchange rate fluctuations or increased costs to us. The only exception to this is if you yourself change elements of your holiday after booking.

It is a condition of booking that you arrange personal travel insurance separately. We recommend you arrange it soon after the time of your booking. This insurance should include adequate cover for baggage, medical expenses and the cost of repatriation, as well as cancellation, curtailment and disruption. If you already have an annual policy, please ensure it covers your Tell Tale trip. It is also a condition of booking that you provide your instance details to us before your trip starts. However, it is your responsibility to ensure your insurance covers the trip and your individual needs. We cannot take responsibility.

Changing your Holiday
If after booking your holiday, you wish to change the length of it or any particular element, we will endeavour to do this. If we are able to make these changes at no charge we will do so, however, where we or our suppliers incur extra costs, we will charge you more for your holiday. In certain circumstances, you may be able to transfer your booking to another person, subject to the payment of any additional costs incurred by us or our suppliers, plus an administrative charge of £35. We cannot, however, guarantee that we will be able to make these changes.

Cancelling your Holiday
If you cancel your booking, you must do so in writing. We reserve the right to apply the following cancellation charges, which we will calculate based on the day we receive your written notification. Please ensure you have travel insurance which covers cancellations.
12 weeks or more - 25% of the total holiday cost or full deposit (whichever is higher)
8-12 weeks - 50% of the total holiday cost or full deposit (whichever is higher)
8 weeks or fewer - 100% of the holiday cost

If your booking includes flights, cancellation charges may be higher.
If you do not make all payments in time, we are entitled to assume you wish to cancel your booking and keep any payments made or due at that date.

We would not usually cancel your holiday ourselves unless we are forced to do so because of 'Force majeur'. Force majeur is for example, where performance and/or prompt performance is prevented by war, threat of war, trial dispute, terrorist activity, fire or adverse weather conditions.

Complaints and Disputes
If you have a problem whilst on your holiday, please inform the supplier concerned, problems are most easily dealt with on the ground. If you have any issues, please contact straight away our local representative and/or our UK office, using the contact details in your travel documents.

In the unlikely event that a solution could not be found, please write to us with full details, this should be done as soon as practical. It must be done within 28 days. If you feel that the matter is not resolved, under our membership of the Travel Trust Association, you have the right to refer this matter to an arbitrator appointed by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. This is a straightforward and inexpensive way of sorting out disputes. The Arbitration Scheme applies to claims up to £2,500 for each person or £7,500 per booking form, though not claims that mainly or solely involve physical injury or illness. If you prefer, you can also take the matter to the County Court or another suitable court.

While we attempt to ensure that all our transport complies with local standards we cannot guarantee the same standards one would expect in Western countries. If you choose to go on a Tell Tale Travel holiday, you must agree to accept the standard of transport available. For internal transport, we use private cars and vans, but we also use airlines, trains and and other public transport.

If you do not book your international flights with us, your holiday with us starts in the destination country and our responsibility does not start until the appointed time at the first meeting point we have agreed. It would also be your responsibility to ensure you have sufficient time to catch any outbound international flights.

Our Responsibility
We will only accept liability if our own employees cause you or your party physical injury, illness or death and only to the extent that we are obliged to do so under English Law. We do not have direct control over our partners and suppliers, but if they cause you or your party physical injury, illness or death, we may accept liability if they were proven to be negligent. Please note if you wish to make a claim, it is your responsibility to show that person was negligent. Our liability will not exceed any limitation applicable under any international or UK convention.

Should we make any payment to you under the above circumstances, it will be on the basis that you waive any rights you may have to claim against that person and that you assign those rights to us. We cannot be held responsible for any other mishaps to yourself or your property, in particular those arising as a consequence of flight cancellations, strikes, wars, riots, robbery, sickness, quarantine, Government intervention or other such happenings.

Special Requests
If you have any special requests which are essential to your booking such as specific dietary requirements or wheelchair assistance, your request will only become a term of your contract if we confirm your booking on this basis.

We only accept bookings on the understanding you agree to accept any necessary flexibility, local inadequacies or unpredictable events when they occur. Whilst our holidays are soft adventure holidays, they are still adventure holidays so you must also accept there are hazards involved in holidays of this nature. These hazards include injury, disease, loss or damage to property, inconvenience or discomfort.

You agree to abide by any instructions we or our local representatives or any local authorities give you. You agree that if you act illegally, dangerously or in a way that causes unnecessary nuisance, we have the right to terminate your holiday. As part the authenticity of the experience, you are aware that our holidays sometimes involve interactions with people who are not used to tourists. Finally, you agree to do your best to follow all guidelines we provide you.

Please note that although we carefully find elements in our holidays, you cannot expect Western standards of accommodation, travel or related activities. Our holiday elements are authentic. Local conditions of efficiency or health and safety are often not up to Western standards. In some cases, facilities will be basic. If you are taking a family holiday, you may need to supervise your children more closely than if you were taking a 'standard' holiday.

If you choose a holiday with Tell Tale Travel, you must accept that this is all part of the experience.

  Tell Tale Travel
Click here for our Enquiry Form
Or Telephone us, 7 days a week till 9pm GMT
UK Freephone 0800 011 2571
UK Main line 0207 060 4571
USA Freephone 1 888 623 9571
Other countries + 44 20 7060 4571

10 Bloomsbury Way
London WC1A 2SL
United Kingdom

© Tell Tale Ltd t/a Tell Tale Travel
ATOL member TTA membership
Terms of use
Intellectual property
All rights on this website belong to or are licensed to Tell Tale Ltd t/a Tell Tale Travel. It is protected by copyright, trademarks as well as proprietary rights and laws of the UK and other countries.

We will treat any information you give us with the utmost care. We are registered with the Information Commissioner in the UK and follow data protection best practice.

We may collect information about you, which is not of a personal nature. For example, we may collect information about the type of web browser you use (e.g. Safari, Internet Explorer), the type of computer operating system you use (e.g. Mac OSX, Windows XP) and the name of your Internet Service Provider (e.g. AOL, BT Broadband). We may also collect information such as which areas of our website you visit and how long you visit each area, so that we can monitor the popularity of our holidays and the effectiveness of our marketing. We may also use cookies to gather the above information.

However, we will never sell or share any personal details you give us or that we collect about you with any third party for any purpose other than to fulfill our obligation to you as your travel operator. Where information is passed outside the UK (or the EU), we will do our utmost to ensure it is treated in a similar manner as it would have to be by law within the UK (and the EU). We should point out that we will also disclose your information if ever we are required to do so by law. If you have not bought a holidays with us, but have submitted personal details such as your email address to our website, we may use this information to contact you for marketing purposes if you have agreed we may do so.

If you do not want us to contact you anymore, please get in touch on the details below.